Monday, August 13, 2012

A Simple Way To Build The Ideal Lab

With fall classes about to begin in a few short weeks, many controls professors are thinking about ways to update their labs to make the coming year’s teaching and learning experience a rewarding experience for their students as well as themselves.

A simple, effective and efficient solution professors and faculty administrators can really appreciate is Quanser’s unique “building blocks” approach to lab development.  Watch as Tom Lee, Quanser’s Chief Education Officer, demonstrates this incremental approach using Quanser’s Rotary Servo family of modules and experiments.

If you already have some elements of this lab, you’ll see how easy it is to continue to build it and enrich your students’ learning experiences.  If you are just starting to build your lab, Tom’s presentation will show you that the incremental building block approach is a sure way to build a “dream” lab of your own.

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