Monday, August 13, 2012

The Better the Lab, the Better the Student

When Professor Kelly Cohen joined the University of Cincinnati’s Aerospace Engineering Department, his goal was to attract better students and ultimately, better researchers. The key, he felt, was to ensure his lab had new, hands-on equipment that he and his students could count on.  He found Quanser’s experiments fit the bill exactly. 
One of the Quanser experiments in Professor Cohen's lab is the 2 DOF Helicopter.
This is just one of the hands-on controls experiments that is attracting better students
 to the University of Cincinnati's Aerospace Enginineering program.

They excited his students because the hands-on approach helped them grasp control concepts quicker.  In addition, since Quanser’s solutions were turn-key, Professor Cohen was able to get his lab up and running quickly.  The equipment's modular design gave the lab real flexibility to teach multiple experiments. He soon planned on choosing more modules to add even more depth to his teaching and research lab. Everybody won as Professor Cohen built his lab, his students deepened their understanding of control concepts and, inevitably, the quality of his available researchers increased.

To find out more about Professor Cohen's lab and how it assists his efforts to attract better researchers, click here.

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