Friday, August 10, 2012

Using NI LabVIEW™? Teaching Controls? We May Have A Dream Lab for You.

Building the dream lab you've always wanted is now a practical, achievable goal.
Quanser and National Instruments have teamed up to deliver a turn-key platform for controls education that delivers what many engineering educators would call a “dream lab”.
It’s a “dream” because it brings controls theory to life, fully aligns with your course syllabus, and prepares students to be effective controls engineers once they graduate into the working world.

Hardware, software, courseware - it's all here to help advance teaching and research
This one-of-a-kind, turn-key platform helps high-achieving, budget-conscious professors keep students engaged with their studies, while allowing time to concentrate on research. How? By providing the following: 
Compatibility with Existing Software.  This platform was designed by Quanser and National Instruments specifically for LabVIEW users. It features the Quanser Rapid Controls Prototyping Toolkit, which allows students to easily interface with over 85 control, mechatronics or robotics experiments from Quanser.

Modular Design.  One of the most popular, flexible and modular systems built on this platform is the Quanser rotary servo workstation, designed for teaching the fundamentals of control.  With over 30 labs to choose from, it allows professors to evolve their lab and teach concepts from the most fundamental to the most advanced.
Pays For Itself.  This lab platform allows professors to teach control fundamentals and do research.  This multitasking capability makes it remarkably cost-effective.

Watch the video and learn why this dream lab would be such a practical choice for your teaching and research needs.

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