Thursday, September 11, 2008

WiiMote Challenge at UK ACC Conference

When we say "Control Conference" you probably imagine a lot of equations and theory. Well, this time add some hand-eye coordination too - you definitely needed them at UK ACC Control 2008 Conference in Manchester (Sept. 2 - 4). The task in our challenge was to swing up the Inverted Pendulum using a WiiMote. All who took the challenge where entered in a draw for a prize - Sony Digital Voice Recorder. The lucky winner? Dai Xuewu (pictured below) from the University of Manchester. Congratulations!

What else was there to see at the UK ACC? Displayed Quanser NI Engineering Trainers (QNETs) for junior undergrad students, 2DOF Helicopter, Omni workstation and autonomous robot Qbot for senior undergrads and Laser Beam Stabilization (LBS) for graduate projects and research represent only a fraction of solutions Quanser can offer you!

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