Friday, August 8, 2008

HTX Open House

Paul Gilbert, Quanser's CEO is demonstrating the use of haptic technology in the rehabilitation of stroke patients to the Honourable John Wilkinson, Ontario Minister of Research and Innovation.

On June 26, Quanser and five other Ontario companies - leaders in the medical and assistive technology (MAT) field gathered in the MaRS Discovery District, a hub of research facilities and professional services organizations in downtown Toronto, designed to accelerate the commercialization of Canadian innovations.
The six companies were invited by the Health Technology Exchange (HTX), a non profit organization established by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, for an Open House event celebrating a recent relocation of HTX to the MaRS center. Since HTX focuses on development of the medical and assistive technology sector in Ontario, this move was only logical.

The HTX Open House was an occasion for invited companies to demonstrate their technologies that are on the path to commercialization as a result of a support of HTX. Quanser showcased the rehab robot. Representatives of government, research institutes and industry received a hands-on demo of this new technology that is revolutionizing the rehab of stroke patients. It caught serious attention of the Honourable John Wilkinson, Ontario Minister of Research and Innovation as well as other guests.

Herve Lacheray, Quanser's R&D engineer who worked on the development of the rehabilitation robot.

The President and CEO of Ontario Centers of Excellence (OCE) Mark Romoff discussing one of Quanser's projects with Paul Gilbert, the company's CEO.

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