Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Conferences are for fun too!

Attending few conferences this year we have decided to think not only business and have fun too! So we invited attendees of ASEE 2008 Conference in Pittsburgh to relax and wine and dine with us! Everybody who came could enter a contest to win a Sony Voice Recorder - and the lucky winner was Professor Ilya Grinberg from Buffalo State College. Congratulations!

We also had a lot of laughs with our button contest! The trick was to get one of three different buttons with Captivate more students - Motivate more students and Graduate better students message, and then try to find 2 people wearing a different button from yours. All three of you had to return to Quanser booth to be entered in a draw for three iPod shuffle players. The lucky trio came from New Jersey Institute of Technology: Dr. Deran Hanesian, Dr. Howard Kimmel and Dr. John Carpinelli. Congratulations to all winners!

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