Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What skills do controls engineering graduates need to have for industry?

A lot of people were attracted at the 2008 American Control Conference (ACC) to the panel discussion sponsored by our partner The Mathworks, and co-sponsored by Quanser. And indeed it was very interesting to listen to the open exchange of opinions from industry, represented by Dr. Greg Stewart from Honeywell, Dr. Andrzej Banaszuk from United Technologies Research Center, Dr. Michael Moan from Raytheon and our very own Dr. Jacob Apkarian and academia, represented by Prof. Bozenna Pasik-Duncan from University of Kansas and Dr. YangQuan Chen from Utah State University.
The discussion touched the topics of what is taught in control courses: latest techniques versus standard and proven ones; how the control courses are taught and what are the future trends in control education and how they reflect industry needs and changing landscape.

Stay tuned for the upcoming report from the panel discussion!

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