Monday, January 13, 2014

Quanser Joins Experts to Discuss Transformations in Engineering Education

In a few days, engineering educators from around the world will meet in Indian city of Hubli for the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE). The conference, hosted by BVB College of Engineering and Technology (BVBCET) on January 16 - 18, 2014, will offer a forum to share best practices in improving learning outcomes at engineering institutions.

Quanser joins the conference organizers, supporters, including Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE), the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and TEQIP, a program of the Government of India.

The conference delegates will not only have a chance to learn about hands-on lab experiments for controls, mechatronics and robotics education, they will also have a chance to get their own hands-on experience with them during the Innovative Hands-on Lab Techniques workshop on January 16.

During the workshop, Michel Levis, Applications Engineer at Quanser and Keith Blanchet, Quanser's Director of Business Development will introduce new developments in hands-on undergraduate labs that increase motivation and provide industry-relevant skills to students. Participants will use Quanser's new QUBE™-Servo servomotor system, and learn about its functionality and engaging control experiments ranging from introductory to more advanced control applications. They will also learn more about Quanser's rapid control prototyping software and how it helps accelerate controls education.

The second part of the workshop will be focused on curriculum innovations, including modern digital media courseware that allows for efficient way of developing and delivering course material. Participants will experience Quanser's new Visual Hardware in the Loop Simulation approach to engineering systems study, bonding conventional control techniques to motivating real-world applications, in a visual virtual reality-style exercise and without losing the depth and rigor of conventional theory.

The conference delegates can learn more about Quanser's approach to transformations in engineering education at a lunch keynote presented by Paul Gilbert, Quanser CEO, on January 18.

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