Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Getting Started with QUARC - Webinar

https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/838710815Getting started with QUARC®, Quanser's real-time rapid control prototyping software? Or want to learn more about how it can simplify your controls teaching and research? Then join Quanser online on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 2 PM EST to get an assistance and answers from Quanser engineers.

In the webinar "Getting Started with QUARC Rapid Control Prototyping Software ", Michel Lévis, Quanser Applications Engineer will demonstrate how using QUARC, you can easily:
  • Interface with hardware to obtain readings
  • Build a simple PD-based controller to control the position of the servo load shaft
  • Perform stability analysis and LQR design 
  • Validate the system performance in simulation and implement a balance controller on the actual system
Register today - the spots are limited!

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