Friday, May 17, 2013

QUBE-Servo Courseware Can Be Adjusted to Enhance Control Courses

As regular readers of this blog know, Quanser has just introduced the QUBE™-Servo, our new, low cost, integrated rotary servo experiment that gives professors a cost-effective way to teach introductory controls. But with the compact QUBE-Servo, we are also introducing a brand new way of delivering the Quanser courseware that accompanies our experiments. 

This new way involves a modular and topic-oriented approach that acknowledges that every professor’s controls course is different. It allows a professor to select any experiment within the provided courseware that they find relevant to the control topic they’re teaching, and insert it anywhere within their existing controls course. Instead of tying a professor to a prescribed path where one experiment must follow another in a predetermined sequence, the QUBE-Servo’s modular courseware gives professors the opportunity to enhance their courseware to best suit their individual course and their students. Of course, professors still have the option of teaching the experiments in sequence pre-defined by Quanser if they wish. 

New Application Lab Improves the Learning Experience 
A special feature of the courseware is an application lab, a segment that applies a control topic students have learned to a real-life control application. In this way the theory they studied will come to life as a real-world system they can relate to. For example, once students have progressed through a lab sequence centred around speed control, they can apply their new skills to the problem of automotive cruise control. This application gives students an immediate appreciation for the relevance of the topics and methods that they are studying.

Diverse Teaching Materials and Rich Media Enhance Courses and Reduce Prep Time
The ABET-aligned courseware includes a wealth of teaching material: QUBE-Servo control experiments with theoretical and practical hands-on components,  mathematical system models, lecture slides, ABET assessment and a courseware outline, to assist professors in adapting the courseware to professors’ syllabuses and additional content related to engineering education and research.

To save professors prep time and make the QUBE-Servo teaching materials even more convenient to use, we developed a comprehensive textbook mapping guide. It allows professors to match topics within the QUBE-Servo courseware to specific chapters from the most popular control engineering textbooks in use today, such as Control Systems Engineering by Norman S. Nise and Modern Control Engineering by K. Ogata.
The mix and match, rich media QUBE-Servo courseware can be easily accessed
and adapted to professors' individual controls courses. 

QUBE-Servo courseware is offered in many popular digital formats such as PDFs, Powerpoint files, Rich Text Format (RTF) files, and LaTeX files. The RTF, LaTeX and Powerpoint files are open, so instructors can simply copy and paste content into their own course notes and lectures.

The low cost QUBE-Servo rotary servo experiment offers engineering educators a smart, cost-effective way to teach controls to undergraduates. Its mix and match, rich media courseware adds to its value. They work together to enhance a professors’ effectiveness, and at the same time demonstrate Quanser’s continuing commitment to offering engineering educators the comprehensive controls solutions their students need.

Download the courseware sample to learn what topics you can teach using the QUBE-Servo experiment.

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