Thursday, May 23, 2013

Balancing motivation with the rigorous traditions of engineering

At this year's ECEDHA Annual Conference Spotlights, Quanser's Chief Education Officer Dr. Tom Lee asked an important question: Can engineering theory ever be fun? If you are interested in the answer, watch the 15 min presentation from the conference:

Quanser has been collaborating with leading institutions to develop  hands-on labs that offer a more industrially-relevant and motivating experience. A key objective is the balancing of the motivation -- the fun -- with the rigorous traditions of engineering. The core of the solution is a rich mapping of realistic engineering workflows that connects the theory to simulation, to real data and hardware, to design objectives. To make things more interesting, the system introduces the students to the engineering concepts through a highly visual, immersive, video game-like environment while maintaining the conceptual connection to engineering methodology and applications. Dr. Lee illustrated the techniques and presented case studies, including control systems and freshman computing courses.

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