Thursday, March 6, 2014

WEBINAR: Earthquake Simulation and Analysis

The structural dynamics and analysis topics are an important part of the engineering undergraduate and graduate curriculum in various engineering disciplines. Hands-on experiments, such as Quanser shake tables and smart structures seem to be particularly effective for teaching these topics, offering students a valuable extension of highly theoretical courses. Precise, robust, and flexible, they also meet the needs of researchers for reliable, low maintenance and cost-effective devices.
Join the webinar "Earthquake Simulation and Analysis with the Quanser Shake Table II" on Wednesday, March 19, 2 pm EDT and learn from Quanser engineers about the most popular of the shake tables product line, the Shake Table II, developed in cooperation with the University Consortium on Instructional Shake Tables (UCIST). The webinar will introduce you to:
  • Solution overview - Shake Table II hardware, peripherals, and PC software options
  • Running the experiments using the Shake Table II Software
  • Running the experiments through the Quanser's QUARC Rapid Control Prototyping software
  • Simulating earthquakes using the PEER Strong Motion Database data
  • One-Floor Active Mass Damper (AMD-1)
  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the structure acceleration data
  • Other shake table offerings: Shake Table I-40 and the XY Shake Table III
Seats are limited - register today!

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