Thursday, August 1, 2013

Discover the Latest Developments in Controls from Quanser at NIWeek 2013

If you are planning to attend NIWeek 2013 starting on Monday, August 5 in Austin, Texas, visit Quanser and learn about the latest, most exciting developments in the area of controls teaching and research. We'll be out in force and looking forward to an opportunity to talk with you
  • at the Quanser booth (#518) with demonstrations and displays of our latest NI-based control hardware and software solutions,
  • at the Academic Forum on Monday, August 5, where Dr. Tom Lee, Quanser's Chief Education Officer takes the stage during the keynote presentation to discuss the future of controls education and research.
Meet senior members of the Quanser team to find out more about how Quanser and NI are working together to help professors and researchers achieve their control teaching and research goals more effectively than ever. Or join one of the technical sessions to learn how University of New Mexico 's Innovation Plaza is bridging the gap between math, physics, chemistry and engineering using NI and Quanser tools.
  • TS1744 - How the University of New Mexico is Bridging the Gap
    Presented by Ramiro Jordan, ECE Associate Chair, Undergraduate Programs, University of New Mexico
    Monday, August 5, 11 -11.30 AM, Ballroom B

We have plenty of exciting news to share with you in Austin, so hope you are able to attend. All of us at Quanser are looking forward to seeing you there.

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