Monday, July 8, 2013

Researchers Discover the Potential of the Quanser Platform at ACC 2013

Every year the American Control Conference (ACC) brings together a large and diverse group of engineering researchers and industry practitioners. Ideas are shared, challenged and debated so, clearly, the importance of this gathering cannot be overstated. 

For us at Quanser, it is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest controls research being conducted in every corner of the globe from the very men and women doing the research. For the conference delegates, it is a valuable opportunity to start conversations investigating ways Quanser can assist them in advancing their work.

Visitors to the Quanser booth examine examples of the Quanser platform in action.
A Diverse, Adaptable Research Platform Is At Your Service
Our booth at ACC 2013 was our “storefront window”. Within its limited space, it was designed to answer the question, “How is Quanser relevant to you?”, by giving visitors a starting point to understand how varied and multi-functional the Quanser platform is.

To demonstrate that point, we showcased a selection of both simple and complex experiments, starting with the low-cost, all-in-one QUBE™-Servo; and culminating with the “Iron Bird” - a Hardware-in-the-loop rapid prototyping device consisting of the Quanser 3 DOF Gyroscope and the HiQ avionics sensor board. Simulating a Quanser Qball UAV, the Iron Bird is an important incremental step towards deploying a fully functional and stable unmanned aerial system. 

These demonstrations revealed the range and quality of the Quanser platform, and were the starting points for a many one-on-one conversations with booth visitors about how our platform could serve their research. They saw that the Quanser platform is a wide-ranging, modular system of hardware and software that allow users to drop in blocks that talk to hardware, create a unique control system, then rapidly test and refine it using the software of their choice, be it MATLAB®/Simulink® or LabVIEW™.

The Quanser 3 DOF Gyroscope is a key element of our “Iron Bird” concept demonstration that caught the attention of many of our booth visitors. 

Researchers weren’t our only booth visitors. Educators saw the QUBE-Servo and its modern, mix-and-match courseware as a cost-effective path to retrofit an undergraduate control lab. The QUBE also impressed people outside the academic sphere. A number of industry practitioners, including Ford Motor Company, General Electric and others, found the QUBE so interesting they are considering using it to teach or reinforce control concepts within their companies.

At ACC 2013, we learned a great deal about the new paths researchers are taking. They in turn learned about the vast and varied Quanser research platform. Ultimately our booth visitors saw how thoroughly we could be counted on to help them advance their control research and educational goals.

To learn more about how the Quanser Platform helps validate control systems research, click here.

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