Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quanser Solutions Address the Future of Engineering Education at ASEE 2013

The undergraduate engineering lab of the future should represent a vast improvement over most of the undergraduate labs operating today. It should offer an exciting, hands-on experience perfectly attuned to the imaginations of today’s video game generation of engineering students. The good news is, that lab exists – and you can see it at the upcoming ASEE 2013 Conference June 23 – June 26 in Atlanta, Georgia.

See the Undergraduate Lab of the Future, plus the new, low cost, self-contained QUBE-Servo Rotary Servo Experiment and more by visiting the Quanser Innovation Hub and the Quanser booth at ASEE 2013.

Visit the Innovation Hub and Quanser’s Undergraduate Lab of the Future
The next evolution of Quanser’s immersive visualization application – a multi-participant, aerial chase challenge – is designed to captivate students with its game-style approach to learning, while maintaining the rigor of engineering theory. Come by, take control of this hands-on lab concept and experience its teaching capability for yourself.

A 20 minute interactive presentation and demonstration at the Exhibit Hall:
  • Sunday, June 23, 6:30 pm
  • Monday, June 24, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 4 pm
  • Tuesday, June 25: 10 am, 1 pm

See the New QUBE™-Servo Demo at the Quanser Booth
Along with the lab of the future, Quanser is presenting a number of forward-looking ideas and solutions, including our new QUBE-Servo, a low cost, self-contained, controls teaching platform for undergraduate labs. Stop by the Quanser booth for a live demo and learn how you can build a world-class multi-station lab for under $20K.
Continuously, Booth 553

Hear Dr. Tom Lee and Industry Experts Discuss “The Flipped Classroom”
A panel of industry experts, including Dr. Tom Lee, Chief Education Officer, Quanser, will discuss specific models of innovation that support this new style of learning in engineering courses. This session is not to be missed.  
Tuesday, June 25,  2:15 pm - 3:45 pm, Room A307

Attend the National Instruments-Quanser Teaching Solutions Workshop
This hands-on workshop will introduce you to the NI-Quanser education platform, including hardware, software and courseware that enable you to teach control concepts in a real-world context. If you use NI LabVIEW™ system design software, you should attend this workshop. 
Wednesday, June 26: 10 am - 11 am & 2 pm - 3 pm, Room A312

We hope you're able to attend the 2013 ASEE Conference. We’re looking forward to sharing with you our latest initiatives that promote effective, efficient learning.

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