Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Is Engineering Education Moving In The Right Direction?

Does engineering education need an overhaul?  How do educators ensure the next generation of engineers is ready to meet the complex challenges of the 21st century?  Dr. Tom Lee, Chief Education Officer at Quanser, Inc, offers insights into these all-important questions in “Why Can't Johnny Design?”, a four-part series of articles in EEWeb-Pulse magazine.

Engineering students' "fear of math" is one of several issues impacting modern engineering education, according to Dr. Tom Lee, Chief Education Officer of Quanser.  Read the article  to learn ways this problem is being addressed. 

In “Part 1: The Challenges in Modern Engineering Education”, Tom looks at the modern engineering curriculum and how it prepares – or doesn’t prepare – students about to enter the industry.

In Part 2, “Re-Inventing the Engineering Lab”, Tom examines the undergraduate lab and outlines how it’s changing to provide more effective learning. 

In Part 3, “Doing the Math”, Tom looks at the challenge mathematics still presents to many students and suggest ways this problem can being addressed.

Part 4, “Motivating Younger Students”, will round out the series in a future issue. 

We encourage you to read these articles and give us your feedback.  Happy reading!

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