Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Ride Is Almost Here... and Paul Gilbert Is Raring To Go!

This Saturday and Sunday Quanser CEO Paul Gilbert and his biking teammates will be taking the 200 Km Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer benefitting the Campbell Cancer Institute at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. As Paul and his teammates’ final preparations are being made, we find this the perfect time to thank you again for your generous support.
Paul Gilbert and a "Team Painkiller" teammate have been training hard for this weekend's 200 Km Enbridge Ride To Conquer Cancer.  Check back with us soon to hear more about this great community event.
To all who sponsored Paul, we say your sponsorship, be it through purchasing a team jersey, a logo placement, or simply through making a donation, is important and greatly appreciated.  You’ve more than done your part—and we thought you’d like to know that Paul’s been doing his part too.  
He’s been training since last winter, beginning with weekly swimming and spinning classes, then stationary bike riding for 30 km a day. When spring arrived, he started cycling outdoors on real roads and hills for 30 or 40 km at a time. He continued regular workouts even with business travel to Malaysia, and in recent weeks he, his wife Joanne and his Ride teammates have gone on weekend training runs of up to 100 km.  So they’re primed and ready to hit the road this Saturday.

Naturally, social media will be on the Ride as well. Paul plans to Tweet (@TeamPainkiller) and post Facebook updates, so whether you had the opportunity to sponsor Paul or not, you can to check in and “ride along” with him and his teammates for two days, experiencing all the challenges and triumphs along the way!

Paul and his teammates are confident they will reach their fundraising goal before the Ride is over and he deeply appreciates all the support he and his teammates have  received.  To all those who'd like to take this opportunity to sponsor Paul now, you can. Just click this link to his donation page.  We never forget that individual contributions represent a vital part of the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer.  Thanks again to all who rallied to this worthy cause.  And be sure to follow Paul on the Ride!

P.S.  To learn more about Paul’s experiences on the Ride, check out the Quanser Engineering Blog in the days following this remarkable event!

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