Monday, March 5, 2012

Partnership helped our engineers speed development

Partnerships are important factors in allowing us to develop leading edge teaching and research tools for engineering educators. Our partnership with MapleSoft is a prime example of this. A case in point occurred when we were developing the Qball-X4 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), an experimental indoor platform for research in UAV control and design. Quanser engineers relied on MapleSim™ modeling and simulation software to explore the dynamics of the gyroscopic effects of the spinning parts of the QBall. They did so rigorously, and in a surprisingly short amount of time. Read more about how our engineers used MapleSim™ here.

Qball-X4 model developed using MapleSim.
Working closely with our partners and their products is something we do every day. National Instruments is another valued Quanser partner and their LabVIEW™ software is growing in popularity among the tools that our engineers use for controls development. We’ll reveal more about how LabVIEW is being used for controls development in upcoming issues of our monthly newsletter. Till then we tip our hat to MapleSoft, National Instruments and all our partners and look forward to working with them further to serve the needs of the engineering education community.

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