Saturday, January 28, 2012

Quanser Helps High School Team Prepare for Robotics Competition

St. Robert Catholic High School in Markham, Ontario, Canada is entering as a “rookie” team in the 2012 FIRST Robotics Canada Competition – and Quanser is proud to be the school's sponsor. To get better acquainted with the students, we invited them, along with students from St. Brother Andre High School, to a kickoff meeting at Quanser's Markham headquarters in December of 2011.
Mark Breadner, Executive Director of FIRST Canada, sponsor of the FIRST Robotics Competition, gives the students an idea of the excitement and learning opportunities they'll experience as they take part in the competition. 

Students from St. Robert and also from St. Brother Andre High Schools in Markham, Canada attended this "get acquainted" session and had plenty of questions for our engineers during a Q &A session.

A student gets her hands on a tele-robotic system that relates to a wide range of real-world applications, including everything frorm handling nuclear waste disposal to performing remote surgery.

Getting their hands on a mobile robot as it performs a variety of tasks is valuable experience for students who'll be building their own robot in the 2012 FIRST Robotics Competition.

Once here, they jumped at the opportunity to control our robots, talk to real engineers as well as Mark Breadner, Executive Director of FIRST Robotics Canada, and feel the excitement that’s part of a life in engineering innovation.

View the video and experience it from the kids’ point of view!

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