Friday, January 20, 2012

A New Addition to Our Systems and Control Team

John Daly recently joined Quanser's engineering team as a Systems and Control Engineer. John brings a strong background in control systems theory to this position, as well as a wealth of experience with unmanned systems. He will be working on implementing advanced algorithms on tele-operated and fully autonomous unmanned systems, both airborne and grounded.

An area of particular interest to John and Quanser is the control of robotic manipulators.

John holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo (2010). He earned a BEng in Computer Systems Engineering and a MASc in Electrical Engineering from Carleton University in Ottawa. Most of his graduate research work focused on controlling robotic manipulators, which is an area of particular interest at Quanser.

An affinity for math and science through his school years led John to take his first step towards an engineering career. But a summer spent at a science and computer camp run by engineering students at Carleton University really helped point the way. His decision to pursue that the engineering life soon followed. In his spare time John enjoys cooking, camping and skiing. Welcome to Quanser, John!

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