Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who is the winner of the HP EliteBook?

Visitors to Quanser's booth at the ASEE 2011 and ACC 2011 conferences not only had a chance to see live demos of rotary control systems or the Denso open architecture robot, they could also win a high-end laptop - and use it to run a real-time control workstation in their lab. So who is the lucky winner? Dr. Adeel Khalid, Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering at Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, GA. Congratulations, Dr. Khalid!

If you missed the conferences, you can still get a live demo - contact us to arrange a visit to your university or an online webinar tailored to your needs.


  1. Hi,

    Will you have any showcase in the ASME Congress this November?

  2. Hello Pezhman,
    probably won't have a showcase at the ASME Congress, but one of our partners might have Quanser system in their booth. Keep an eye on the blog or on the events section of our website Or email us ( a live demo over the internet would be of interest.

