Monday, July 25, 2011

Two new faces on our production team.

Quanser's Production Department is a busy hub of activity and in recent weeks two new additions have joined the team. Rebekah Skinner and Jill Walters are our new Electronics Engineering Technicians, and besides adding a new female presence to the group, they bring excellent skills and diverse experiences.

Two new faces on our production team: Jill Walters and Rebekah Skinner.

Rebekah chose to pursue engineering studies after she attended a week-long Engineering Camp for Women at Ryerson University while in high school. The camp was an eye-opener, exposing her to the wide range of career possibilities open for women in engineering. In 2006 she graduated from Centennial College in Scarborough, Ontario, specializing in Automation and Robotics.

She first became aware of Quanser while reading an article about medical robotics. Following a year spent in New Zealand working for a manufacturing company, Rebekah returned to Canada and discovered Quanser was advertising a position that appealed to her. She applied and was hired. Her immediate responsibilites are building a variety of Quanser components and products.

After hours, athletics play a big part in Rebekah's life. Her passion is hockey, but she also finds time for biking and flying big 4-Meter traction kites.

Jill Walters is a 2006 graduate of Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario, where she was enrolled in the Electronic Engineering Technician Program as well as the Mechatronics course. As a child she loved building and fixing things, which pleased her father no end. That - and her love of cars - led her to be part of a stock car pit crew for two years, while still a teenager.

Jill has previously worked for General Motors and Procter & Gamble and brings considerable experience to her new position. Her duties involve building the various Quanser products destined for our academic and research clientele.

Jill is the proud mother of three children: two boys, aged 15 and 13, and a six year old girl. She somehow finds the time to play on two rugby teams in Oshawa and Cobourg.


  1. Congrats Rebekah & Jill. I applied for this position as well; as working at Quanser would be my dream job!

    Best of luck in your new jobs.

  2. Thank you Derek and good luck on future applications!
