Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Quanser Haptic Devices Draw Considerable Attention at the IEEE-World Haptics Conference 2011

The recent IEEE - World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2011, held June 21 - 24 in Istanbul, Turkey, brought together a wide variety of industry and university researchers who are currently focused on haptics-related projects.

The conference was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to researchers from around the world the flexibility, versatility and efficiency of Quanser's haptic systems. With the assistance of Remzi Artar and his team from Simcotech, our Istanbul-based distributor, conference delegates could try Quanser's 5 DOF Haptic Wand and OMNI Bundle themselves, learn about our latest haptic device HD^2 and about possible applications of these systems in research.

What did the delegates like the most? They were very excited about the open architecture of the systems and that they allow researchers to work with Matlab/Simulink libraries as well as C++ libraries. Plus they appreciated the fact that the systems are turn-key, and come complete with QUARC real-time control software, high-performance amplifiers and data acquisition boards. The advantages don't end there. All the control hardware and software components can be used with any haptic devices designed by our customers.

Remzi and his team were pleased to showcase Quanser's haptic systems at the IEEE - World Haptics Conference 2011 for several reasons. But surely one of the most important was seeing the conference delegates leave with ideas on how these devices can lend themselves to their individual research activities.

Visitors to Simcotech's booth at the IEEE - World Haptics Conference 2011 could try Quanser's 5 DOF Haptic Wand themselves. In the image (from left): Remzi Artar, Simcotech; Dr. Ozkan Celik, Rice University; Dr. Volkan Patoglu, Sabanci University and two of Dr. Patoglu's graduate students.

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