Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Quanser's Workshop at the AIS 2011 Conference

Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) are growing in popularity across a broad spectrum of applications in such fields as search and rescue, the military, mining, and environmental surveillance. Likewise, the UVS research community is growing and there is an increasing demand for novel hardware and software platforms on which to develop and test UVS algorithms and controllers.

The delegates at this year's Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS 2011) in Burnaby, BC, will have an excellent opportunity to learn about Quanser's latest technologies for unmanned vehicle systems teaching and research. Cameron Fulford, Engineering Manager of Quanser's Systems & Control Group, will present these technologies and show them in action via 3D visualization at a workshop entitled Tools for Teaching Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems on Wednesday, June 22 at 4.30 pm.

As part of the workshop, Cameron will review how Louisiana Tech University, Concordia University and the University of Regina have integrated autonomous unmanned systems into their teaching and research programs using this state-of-the-art rapid controls prototyping framework and open-architecture data acquisition hardware designed for unmanned systems. The workshop will also cover the basics of using QUARC, Quanser's real-time control software, which allows novice and advanced users alike to rapidly develop and deploy powerful, extensible systems using simple to use, open-architecture Simulink toolsets. More advanced comcepts will be introduced with a specific focus on tools for autonomous unmanned vehicle systems.

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