Monday, August 16, 2010

UVS Demo at AIAA GNC 2010: Announcing the Winner of a HP Netbook

Earlier in August, delegates at the AIAA 2010 Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference had a chance to see a unique demonstration of controls for unmanned vehicles, presented at Quanser's Innovation Hub.

The interactive demo was focused on the Unmanned Vehicle Systems Lab, a new research platform that allows scientists to work with unmanned systems indoors - in a safe and controlled environment. Visitors to the Innovation Hub could not only try to fly the Qball, an unmanned aerial vehicle, they could also enter a draw to win a Hewlett Packard Netbook. The lucky winner is Oleg Yakimenko from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Congratulations!

Amin Abdossalami, Quanser's R&D Engineer, demonstrating Qball-X4 capabilities in an obstacle avoidance flight.

Conference delegates had a chance to try flying the Qball-X4, Quanser's quadrotor developed for research.

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