Monday, July 12, 2010

And the Winner of a HP Netbook is...

As delegates at the American Control Conference 2010 in Baltimore gathered to discuss various aspects of control with their peers, many stopped by Quanser's Innovation Hub for a unique demonstration of controls for unmanned systems, where they could enter a draw to win a Hewlett Packard Netbook. The lucky winner is Dr. Nina Mahmoudian from the University of Maryland. Congratulations!

Qball, the unmanned aerial vehicle was the star of the show - and many delegates had a chance to fly it. The interactive demo was focused on the Unmanned Vehicle Systems Lab, a new research platform that allows scientists to work with unmanned systems in a safe and controlled environment - indoors.

If you missed the UVS demo at ACC 2010, visit us at the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference in Toronto on August 4 or check the video blog from ACC 2010.

Over 200 delegates at the American Control Conference 2010 had an exclusive opportunity to see and fly an unmanned aerial vehicle at Quanser's Innovation Hub. Many entered a draw for an HP Netbook.

Many took a unique opportunity and tried their skills flying the Qball, Quanser's innovative quadrotor.

Delegates could enter a draw to win a HP Netbook.

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