Thursday, June 17, 2010

Come Fly an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

The Annual Conference and Exposition organized by ASEE is one of the most important events in our calendar. It is the forum where we traditionally introduce our latest innovations. Last year, Quanser's Mechatronic Controls Collection was unveiled at ASEE, so what can you expect this year in Louisville? Quite a lot.

If you want to try flying an unmanned aerial vehicle, you should start in our Innovation Hub located on the Exhibit Floor. An interactive demo featuring Qball aerial vehicle and Qbot ground vehicle will give you a sense of capabilities of our indoor Unmanned Vehicle Systems Lab. Interactive 20 minutes demos run Monday & Tuesday starting every hour from
11 am to 5 pm

Unmanned vehicle systems and other cutting-edge technologies are developed by innovators in Quanser - engineering graduates from universities and colleges literally around the world. Join us at 1.30 pm on Tuesday June 22 in the Room 101 to learn how you can enable your engineering students to become future innovators. Keith Blanchet, Director of Business Development at Quanser will be joined by Dr. Hakan Gurocak from Washington State University and ABET Program Evaluator for a technical session titled How to Create the Next Generation of Innovators.

Want to learn about the latest tools for teaching and research? Visit us in the booth 415 for live demos of 3 DOF Gyroscope and other systems. Check the QUARC Interactive Trainer: our virtual Mr. Q, assisted by our real-life engineers, will walk you through the features and capabilities of QUARC real-time control software and show you how QUARC Interactive Trainer can help your students get familiar with the rapid prototyping environment.

Virtual Laboratories from Quanser take the engineering education one step further - and possibly outside of the lab. Based on the real-world systems, Virtual Paper Machine experiment exposes students to control design challenges without a need for hardware equipment. Learn more in our booth!

Looking forward to seeing you at ASEE 2010 in Louisville!

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