Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Do You Get with a QUARC 2.0 Demo License

Have you tried QUARC 2.0, the latest version of our rapid control prototyping software? You can easily get a free 30 days license which allows you to run the built-in demos even without the hardware, or build and run your own real-time control models in Simulink.

The built-in demos will:
- Introduce you to the basic QUARC features and integration with Simulink
- Show you how to use Quanser's Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) framework
- Demonstrates QUARC communication capabilities based on Quanser's Stream API framework
- Explain and show dynamic reconfiguration capabilty
- Present some of the third-party devices you can interface to with QUARC
- Walk you through the possible QUARC 3D Visualization features
- Help you get familiar with QUARC MATLAB functions, such as I/O operations, communications using the Quanser protocol-independent Stream API, or automating QUARC operations from a MATLAB script, etc.

Let's look at some of them a bit closer:
QUARC Communication Demos
One of the demos consists of two Simulink models: a server and a client. It demonstrates how to use the Basic Communication Blockset from the QUARC Targets Library to establish a connection between two Simulink models.

QUARC Visualization Demos
The QUARC Visualization demos demonstrate a wide range of features, including loading of a mesh and texture and displaying it in the standalone Quanser 3D viewer. You will learn how to animate and create a hierarchical relationship between the body and the propeller of an airplane or how to use the QUARC Visualization blocks with dummy actors to simplify actor animation.
We have created a Visualization of a KUKA KR5 sixx R850 Robot, so you can control it virtually, without having the actual robot in your lab.

One of the demos demonstrates a Simulink model and a MATLAB GUI created using the GUIDE application. The MATLAB GUI can be used to build, start and stop the QUARC model in addition to perform real-time plotting and online parameter tuning on the model.

QUARC Model Referencing Demo
This demo showcases QUARC's ability to support the model referencing feature from Simulink

But it is always best to try it for yourself - so don't hesitate and ask for your free 30 days demo license here. You can also contact one of our Academic Solutions Specialists that will walk you through the QUARC's features and capabilities during a personal, one-on-one live demo. Click here to request it.

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