Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alan Jacobs Joins Quanser to Lead Initiatives with US-based Universities and Colleges

A few weeks ago we welcomed a new Quanser team member: Alan Jacobs joined the company in the role of Director of U.S. Academic Relations, responsible for planning, building and leading Quanser's strategic and tactical initiatives in U.S.

Passionate about education, Alan brings to our team more than 20 years of experience in education programs for technology companies. An accomplished professional, Alan has previously held positions with Autodesk as Senior Manager of Global Education, Avid Technology as Senior Manager of Worldwide Education and with Bentley Systems, Inc., where he was Director of Worldwide Education.

Alan holds a Masters of Education and a Masters of Regional Planning degrees from the University of Massachusetts and has special training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and in Mediation.

In his free time Alan is dedicated to his family and sports. As a third-degree black belt in Tang Soo Do, he enjoys teaching his son's Little Dragons karate class and coaching his junior baseball and soccer teams. He is an enthusiastic fan of Red Sox Nation and is excited that Spring is in the air so he can go back to playing center field for the Cape Codgers. With his new position at Quanser, we hope he will still find time to read a David Halberstam book or work on getting tickets to see David Gray in Boston this summer.

Please help us extend a very warm welcome to Alan in his new role at Quanser.

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