Friday, February 12, 2010

Ontario Premier Chooses Quanser to Host his Press Conference

Quanser's expertise and cutting-edge robotic and haptic technology with applications in various medical fields won our company more praise recently. Quanser was given the honor of hosting Ontario Premier, Dalton McGuinty as he announced a Trade Mission to Israel slated for May 2010. On February 11, 2010, PremierMcGuinty and the delegation of Ontario and Israeli government officials visited Quanser for this special event.

The mission will focus on building healthcare industry and high-tech sector partnerships with Israeli companies. Quanser is a great example of how Ontario businesses can benefit from successful collaboration with Israeli companies in the life sciences sector. Since 2007, Quanser has been collaborating with Simbionix from Israel, a company that develops interactive computerized endoscopic medical training simulators and advanced clinical visualization systems for minimally invasive surgery.

The press conferences was preceded by a tour of Quanser that gave government officials a chance to try Quanser's cutting-edge technology.

Highlights from the tour and the Press Conference hosted by Quanser

Special guest at the Press Conference - Her Excellency Miriam Ziv, Israel's Ambassador to Canada is greeted by Paul Gilbert, Quanser's CEO and Jacob Apkarian, Quanser's Founder and CTO.

Under the guidance of Jacob Apkarian, Quanser's Founder and CTO, Dalton McGuinty performs his first teleoperation - on a banana.

Sandra Pupatello, Ontario's Economic Development and Trade Minister discussing Quanser's haptic needle insertion surgical simulator with Paul Gilbert, Quanser's CEO.

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty experiences one of the many applications of haptic technology. Here Quanser's Hexapod allows the driver to "feel the ride".

Remote signing technology, tested by Monte Kwinter, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, can be used by governments and legislatures to transfer a "pen and ink" signature in real-time from anywhere in the world.

At the Press Conference hosted by Quanser, Premier McGuinty announced the trade mission to Israel to "strengthen cultural and commercial ties" between Ontario companies like Quanser and Israeli companies in the life sciences sector, "while creating jobs for Ontarians".

Special guests at the event (from right to left): Ted Sokolsky, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto; Amir Gissin, Israeli Consul General, Toronto; Miriam Ziv, Israeli Ambassador to Canada

Shaking hands with the Quanser team - the Premier was truly impressed by the innovative work we do.

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