Monday, January 11, 2010

Win with QUARC: Quanser Announces Winner of HP Netbook

In December, we asked users of QUARC what they thought of Quanser's real-time control software. Those who participated in our survey were entered into a draw to win a trendy HP Netbook. We are happy to announce the winner is Professor Mohamad Saad from the University of Quebec at Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Congratulations!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to give feedback.

Quanser's control engineers are eager to know what else we can do to meet the needs of professors who use QUARC to teach controls, for graduate-level research or for ground-breaking research. If you would like to provide feedback, contact us at We are listening!
Paul Gilbert, Quanser's CEO drawing the lucky QUARC survey participant to win HP netbook

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