Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quality in Motion: Partnering with MICROMO for Better Devices

Quanser’s innovative systems for teaching and research rely on high-end parts and components – some developed by Quanser, some purchased from other suppliers. One of the key components in most of our systems are the motors themselves as they are the driving force inside a mechatronic system. To meet high quality standards our customers trust and expect, such as motor low inertia, low friction and high torque, we turned to MICROMO. Their range of micro motors allows us to use them in a standard SRV02 rotary motion servo plant, as well in high-end systems, such as HD^2 haptic device.

Working on many OEM and collaborative research projects that require customized solutions, Quanser engineers can only benefit from getting to know MICROMO better. The MICROMO team feels the same and so they invited Paul Gilbert, our CEO and me to Clearwater, FL to MICROMO’s Annual Sales Meeting in December 2009. A great opportunity for both companies to learn how we at Quanser use MICROMO motors, what our capabilities are, and to identify areas where we can combine our expertise to serve our customers' needs better.

During our presentation to MICROMO's team of U.S.-based applications engineers we introduced Quanser in general, and focused on Quanser engineering - what kind of stuff with do and how we apply the mechatronic approach in design. We also brought four typical Quanser training systems with us – MICROMO engineers could try the new version 2.0 of QUARC, our rapid control prototyping software, test the SRV02 servo plants, and experience how quickly it is possible to design their own control experiment or control system. They really enjoyed it, being very hands-on and tech-savvy. The bigger systems, such as haptic and unmanned systems lab were also demonstrated, so MICROMO got a good sense of who we are and what we can do.

For both our companies, this visit was just a first step in building a more efficient partnership. We have plans to grow and strengthen our collaboration to bring top quality, innovative solutions for teaching, research and industrial use - one of the big goals we have for 2010.

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