Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Stages of Grant Poposals

Several weeks ago, we were sitting here at Quanser brainstorming what we could do to help our clients gain funding for their projects. We’ve helped with writing proposals before, but wanted to create a more systematic approach to address the different stages of receiving a grant. Each one of these stages has unique opportunities and we’ll write about them over the next few weeks.

Here’s what we came up with:

1. “I’m thinking about writing a grant proposal”

2. “I’m writing a grant proposal right now”

3. “I submitted my grant proposal and am waiting for an answer”

4. “Yes! I won the grant and I’m waiting for funding to come through.”
Alternate: “Nope, not this time. What should I do now?”

5. “Received funding and am acquiring resources now.”

Which stage are you at?

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