Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Innovative Experiments to Teach Advanced Controls More Cost-Effectively

Join Quanser and National Instruments at this session at 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition:

Innovative Experiments to Teach Advanced Controls More Cost-Effectively

Monday, June 15, 10:30AM - 12:00PM
Austin Convention Center, Room 11B

Engineers from all disciplines can benefit from cross-disciplinary expertise. From automotive to aerospace, we see engineers working on complex mechatronics systems along-side mechanical and electrical engineers. Find out how educators can captivate engineering students with the new technology and hands-on instructional labs while preparing them to solve industry-relevant problems that require multi-disciplinary skills. Learn how Quanser's range of multi-disciplinary experiments are used with the National Instruments technology to help educators share resources to create a cost-effective collaborative learning environment.

Presented by:
  • Keith Blanchet, Director of Business Development, Quanser
  • Jeannie Sullivan Falcon, PhD., Control and Simulation, Principal Engineer, National Instruments

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