Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Reduce Overhead of Building, Running and Maintainig a Lab

Join Quanser at this session at 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition:

How to Reduce Overhead of Building, Running and Maintaining a Lab
Tuesday, June 16,
12:30 - 2:00PM

Austin Convention Center, Room 11B

How do we grow America’s innovation capabilities despite dwindling funds for control laboratory equipment? Pool several engineering departments’ resources to create fewer but far better, more adaptable laboratories that teach students broader skills. Systems have simply become too complex for engineers to work alone, or for students to study a single subject without wider context. Cross-disciplinary problem solving dependencies mandate collaboration by sharing space and resources. Find out how educators can captivate more engineering students with cutting edge equipment and hands-on learning in a multi-disciplinary lab that is shared by several engineering departments. You will see demonstrations of new innovative experiments which are ideal for interdisciplinary use, learn where cost-savings come in, plus how to save time on logistics such as set-up , maintenance and equipment upgrades.

Presented by:
  • Sunny Ray, B.Eng., Academic Solutions Advisor, Quanser
  • Mahyar Fotoohi, M.A.Sc., Product Specialist,Quanser

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