Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Tradeshow Sneak Peak

People meet us at tradeshows all around the world in a nicely set up booth, but before we get there, there's a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes. No wonder that although this year's ACC and ASEE Conferences are few weeks ahead, we are already hard at work getting ready. And that means not only testing all the equipment - but also testing the tradeshow.

So we invited all the company to "attend" ACC and ASEE. And no need to travel, as everything was set up in Quanser's office. Another great opportunity to share knowledge between our engineers, technicians, customer service, academic advisors and all other people in the company. Have a little sneak peak before everything's packed and shipped - and come for more to the booth #13/14 at ACC and 525 at ASEE!

A lot of interest around Active Suspension

Pasha explains how the 3 DOF Gyroscope works

Rotary SRV02 stations are Quanser's staples

Everything works, we
are good to go!

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