Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Engineer on our Team

Recently, a new engineer joined Quanser's Team, so let us introduce him: Kaveh Elizeh.

Kaveh got his Masters degree from McMaster University under supervision of Dr. Nicola Nicolici. His thesis focused on improving the performance of internal memory access in today’s FPGAs.

Kaveh started at Quanser as a system designer working on driver development for QuaRC software as his first task. He is working on some Data Acquisition Cards provided by NI, introducing their different features to QuaRC to make it more convenient to use with a large set of peripheral third-party hardware. Performing this task, Kaveh can use his knowledge of hardware systems combined with software programming skills, his main areas of interest, to create a flexible and easy-to-use hardware interface for QuaRC.

Although Kaveh is new to Quanser, Quanser is not new to him:

"My first impression with Quanser was about 2 years ago," he explains. "I was working on a real-time soft tissue modeling method which is useful in remote surgery. Together with a group of professors and students from McMaster University I had a attended a meeting with Quanser engineering team to present our achievements in that project. At that time I was amazed by the projects which were developed in Quanser. It looked like a robotic wonderland to me. And two years later, there I am…"

Welcome Kaveh and good luck!

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