Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Shake Table II Software

The Shake Table II has been the most popular of the Quanser shake tables over the years and it has now been made easier to use. The Shake Table II Software is available now and shown in the image below. It allows users to command various signals to the seismic table such as sine wave and chirp as well as sample earthquakes, e.g. Northridge and Kobe. In addition, this program automatically initializes the amplifier and calibrates the table before running any signal. Engineers and scientist can therefore get their Shake Table II moving by double-clicking on an icon!

The GUI was designed using LabVIEW and the position controller running on the STII is implemented in QuaRC. To use this software, Shake Table II users need the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine, which is free to download, and QuaRC (no need for Matlab/Simulink).

In addition, this software can be used in a remote configuration. That is, the STII can be connected to a remote PC, such as the Quanser WEECS system, and controlled from a host PC/laptop through a cable or wireless network.


  1. Hi Mitch,
    We have a Shake Table II and we would love to be able to control it using a LabVIEW application.
    How can we get it ?
    Is it working with a Q8-PCI board ?
    Sincerely yours,

  2. Hi Tom,

    Good timing! We've actually just released LabVIEW 2013 SP1 VIs for the Shake Table II. The VIs are designed with the Quanser Rapid Controls Prototyping (RCP) Toolkit.

    I'll get in touch with you soon,
