Thursday, October 30, 2008

What skills do controls engineering graduates need to have for industry? Part II

We discussed this topic at the American Control Conference 2008 and found that students need to know basic control techniques as well as the advanced ones. But the technical knowledge is just a part of the big picture. Educators need to nurture students' critical thinking, intuition, teamwork and communication skills - that's what in real-life turns a control engineer into a 'glue' element of the engineering team. Click here for the full story. Opinions from graduates, professors or employers are welcome. Leave a comment!

The future of engineering studies is concerning educators and industry in North America as well as in other parts of the world: watch a webcast with thoughts of William A. Wulf, U.S. National Academy of Engineering President or read the report from the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI).

Learn more about ways we can improve engineering education as academic and industry leaders come together at the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Conference (ASEE 2009). Stay tuned for information on an upcoming panel session at ASEE 2009. The topic: "Helping Teach Real-World Skills through Hands-on Labs".

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