Thursday, February 27, 2014

Research Work Using Quanser 6 DOF Telepresence System Published in a Prestigious Journal

Researchers from Imperial College, UK, and University of Calgary, Canada, focus on understanding forces exerted during surgical procedure - a prerequisite to successful design and application of robots in microsurgery. They summarized their results in a paper, recently published by a prestigious International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery.

Quanser 6 DOF Telepresence System
As an experimental platform, the research team used Quanser 6 DOF Telepresence System, combinig HD² High Definition Haptic Device and 6 DOF Denso Open Architecture Robot in a master-slave configuration allowing for high-fidelity teleoperation with haptic feedback.

Click here to access the full paper online.

To learn how other researchers have used Quanser systems as experimental platforms for their research, visit and download the whitepaper "The Quanser Platform for Control Systems Research Validation."

To learn more about the project neuroArm, visit

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Quanser Going for a Ride on a Big Bike

This year our CEO Paul Gilbert will be participating in his 3rd annual Ride to Conquer Cancer. Last year Paul rode over 200km from Toronto, through Hamilton, all the way to Niagara Falls, and helped his team raise just shy of $65K for the cause. Through his personal commitment to this cause, and his passion for social responsibility and community involvement, Paul has sparked a movement in Quanser to get involved and give back!

I am excited to announce that this year will mark Quanser's first year participating in a team fundraising event. We will be taking part in the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Big Bike event on June 5, 2014; our goal is to raise $1,500.00 to support research efforts, and to raise awareness for this cause. We feel like this will be a good opportunity for us give back and support a worthy cause, and to do it as a team is an added bonus.

Quanser is committed to having a positive impact in our community. We have sponsored many programs and initiatives within the academic field over our 25 years, and we have supported various charitable organizations in the past. Our goal going forward is not only to continue this support, but to be more actively involved in our community, and to do it as a team.

We kicked off our Big Bike campaign on February 4th, and we have already signed up 7 team members, and started chipping away at our $1,500.00 goal. If you are interested in supporting our efforts, please visit Quanser's Team Page and donate today! We thank you for your support.

If you would like more information on Quanser's fundraising events, or Paul Gilbert's 2014 Ride to Conquer Cancer, please email me at

~Cheryl Persaud

Monday, February 10, 2014

Doing Control with LabVIEW - Register for the Webinar!

LabVIEW graphical development environment is widely used in engineering education and research for control systems. With the Quanser Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) Toolkit for LabVIEW, you can simplify and accelerate your control design process in areas from introductory control topics to advanced algorithms.

In the webinar "Getting started with RCP Toolkit for LabVIEW" on Thursday, February 27, Michel LĂ©vis, Quanser Applications Engineer will demonstrate how using this powerful toolkit developed for LabVIEW, you can easily:
  • Interface with hardware to obtain readings 
  • Build a simple PD-based controller to control the position of the servo load shaft 
  • Perform stability analysis and LQR design 
  • Validate the system performance in simulation and implement a balance controller on the actual system
Register today - the spots are limited!